
We look for inspirational leaders of people and capabilities to achieve outstanding objectives for our community. Our leadership roles include:

  • deputy Directors-General
  • directors
  • unit managers
  • team leaders.

Our framework to develop leadership aligns with the Public Service Commission leadership framework. Equipping and developing leaders is a priority as we grow and evolve.

We also offer a wide range of leadership training.

Staff profiles - leadership

“I’ve had an amazing career so far! I’ve worked in six distinctly different areas within the organisation, in roles from intelligence analyst to customer relationship manager and people manager.”

I joined GCSB with a degree in languages and not a lot of idea what GCSB did. I certainly didn’t intend to stay too long but, almost 20 years later, I’m still here! Why? I love the subject matter and I’ve had an amazing career so far. I’ve worked in six distinctly different areas within the organisation, in roles from intelligence analyst to customer relationship manager and people manager. I have been based both in New Zealand and overseas. The GCSB is a very family-friendly employer that allows me to work part-time, which is important to me as a working mother.

In my current role, I work to continually improve our processes by providing advice and help, and auditing and investigating. The role involves solving problems, making decisions, managing people and relationships, and thinking strategically.  Every day is interesting and challenging, and I learn about all aspects of a business that truly enhances New Zealand’s security and wellbeing.

So, I’m still here because I can’t imagine any other employer who could offer such fascinating roles.

“I play a part in keeping New Zealand and New Zealanders safe. I go to work every day knowing that what I do makes a difference.”

I had a successful career in education, with extensive experience in teaching students, and managing staff, resources, and property. Then I saw a chance to transfer my skills to a totally different environment.  Those skills include being results-driven, thinking critically, and applying my strong interpersonal skills to build and maintain positive relationships. I have relished the challenge of a new career. My current role is in security, where we decide on government employees’ access to classified information. But my skills can be used in several areas in the intelligence community.

I play a part in keeping New Zealand and New Zealanders safe. I go to work every day knowing that what I do makes a difference.

“The sense of ‘mission’ in our building is special. What we do is unique. We make a difference for New Zealanders on a large scale.”

I originally trained as a scientist and worked for a couple of research organisations, where I enjoyed my work. But when I saw an advert for an intelligence analyst with the NZSIS, I decided to give it a try. And I haven’t looked back.

After many years with NZSIS, my path led to a role in the GCSB. There, I’ve had many roles, ranging from outreach officer and analyst to my current management role. I love the variety here. This place lets me be innovative, try things, and stretch myself.

The organisation is exceptionally family-focused and supportive. Because of what we do, the people and relationships within the organisation are special. Friendships are for life.  

The sense of ‘mission’ in our building is special. What we do is unique. We make a difference for New Zealanders on a large scale.

“The range of responsibilities is broad and stimulating, with everyone contributing to make New Zealand a safer, more prosperous place.”

When I started my career as a lawyer, I would not have imagined that I would end up holding a senior leadership position in the New Zealand Intelligence Community. After several years giving legal advice to government agencies, I came over to the GCSB to help with legal capacity – and never left.

I work with dedicated experts who are responsible for diverse areas of intelligence and security. Building strong relationships with both public and private sector organisations is critical to our success. Together, we work to protect New Zealand’s most important information and infrastructure.

The strong sense of purpose and commitment to a valuable cause is part of what makes me proud to work here. The range of responsibilities is broad and stimulating, with everyone contributing to make New Zealand a safer, more prosperous place.

Of the many opportunities I have had during my time here so far, representing New Zealand in international discussions is a highlight.