Information and security

Roles in our information and security category focus on how we can best manage our unique information assurance and security systems. These roles include:

  • accreditors
  • technical security engineers
  • security specialist roles including IT, physical and personnel security advisors
  • data specialists
  • other specialist roles.

Staff profiles – information and security

“There is no typical educational or work history background amongst my colleagues… We’re constantly learning and discovering new and better ways to solve problems.”

There is no typical educational or work history background amongst my colleagues. Everyone has an interesting or a different story to tell.

I graduated with a PhD in biology and then worked in the university sector as a researcher. I then completely changed direction and moved into IT. Most recently, I raised my children while volunteering for several different community organisations.

I currently work as an analyst. The team I’m in develops new analytical tools to identify issues that might affect New Zealand’s security. We’re constantly learning and discovering new and better ways to solve problems and find the information we need. It’s interesting and challenging work, requiring an analytical mind and an interest in understanding how people behave. I’m surrounded by a great team who make coming into work every day a joy.

The community was a great fit for me as they recognise that there is no one path in life. They look at a person’s whole-of-life skills to see if the person can help with our mission of keeping New Zealand and New Zealanders safe and secure.

“I knew working for a big firm wasn’t for me, and wanted a public role that valued critical thinking.”

I joined NZSIS straight from university, where I had studied law. I knew working for a big firm wasn’t for me. I wanted a public role that valued critical thinking and that would challenge the analytical skills I developed at university. NZSIS fit the bill. It challenges me to think about the big security picture, as well as the impact my advice has on an individual. I work alongside people who are new to the NZIC, and people who have years of experience to call upon. We come from different academic backgrounds, and each person brings a different style of thinking to any challenge. The common elements are a commitment to keeping New Zealand secure, a sharp mind, and a good attitude to take on any task together.

Working for NZSIS has exposed me to experiences I would never have come across in the private sector. My role involves meeting internal and external contacts to assess their circumstances and needs, consider relevant security principles, and then deliver sound advice. My working week has a good mix of thinking on my feet to respond to issues as they arise, and taking the time to consider a big-picture approach to a problem. My role uses the core skills from my legal professionals course every day. I interview individuals (sometimes about sensitive personal topics), prepare succinct records, and deliver well-reasoned advice.

NZSIS is a unique work environment with special sensitivities. If you have the right attitude and you’re up for the challenge, it offers the best (classified) work stories in New Zealand.

“I absolutely love the unique insights into New Zealand government that this role provides.”

After completing a four-year graduate programme at a Big Four firm and gaining my chartered accountancy qualification, I was ready to tackle a new challenge. I wanted to work in an environment where I had a greater impact. A role with the intelligence community has definitely given me a chance to do this. In my 18 months here, I’ve built on the analytical and critical thinking skills I gained in my previous job and from my Bachelor of Commerce and Administration degree. 

My current role is in the intelligence community’s protective security area, which allows me to network with people in similar roles across government and internationally. I apply analytical skills to solve complex issues and implement solutions that meaningfully impact on the public sector. As someone who has a strong interest in our democratic and social system, I absolutely love the unique insights into the New Zealand government that this role provides. I really appreciate the exceptionally talented people I work with. I have learnt a great deal from the opportunities that the intelligence community offers, and am excited about how my career will be shaped by this organisation. 

I am proud of the work I do. The challenging and rewarding nature of the role, as well as the calibre of people I get to work with, make it an incredibly gratifying place to be!